I swear to God, your Daughter isn't human

So I'm a repare lady for a small hardware store an I often work evenings 3-8. I got a call about a attic acce ss that wasnt opening and they needed my assistance. It happenes all the time at these old houses, the Attic entryway doesn't get opened for a while and the track locks up. It really doesn't take long to fix, just a simple track replacement, takes around 45-50 minutes. Anyways I recieved the call at 4:30 but I had a few other jobs before then. It was around 6 when I pulled up to the house and I already had a bad feeling about this place. The house was in a semi desolate neighborhood, it had paint chipping, missing roof tiles, a dead garden, and musty old patio furniture across the dead lawn. Honestly the house had a apocalyptic vibe to it, but I didn't care, I just wanted to finish so I could move on to my last stop. I approached the house with my tool belt across my shoulder and my step ladder at my side, slowly but casually approaching the door. The apperance of the place really didn't scare me, I've been doing my job for around 6 years now and I've seen alot worse. As I get to the door, I go to Knock but the door was open. I step back a second to peer through the garage window to see if anyone was home. The garage had a hole in the dirty window, I peeked in but it was pitch black. Honestly they should've knocked the house down along time ago, as the surrounding property had real potential. I went back to the door and softly shouted "Hello?, It's Sara from R.J. Hardware. I'm here to fix the Attic. just then a light popped on revealing the reatched falling off wall paper aswell as debris allover the floor. Seconds later a shriveled old lady( she looked about 80) poped around the corner with a welcoming smile. In return I have her a big smile and repeated " Hello, I'm Sara. I'm here to fix th..." The old lady chimed in " yes, the Attic of course!". She seemed really nice and for a bit I felt really sad she had to live in this old falling apart house. She showed me to the second floor where the entrance to the Attic is, along the way she told me about how nice the house used to look before her husband passed, he was a handy man aswell and he had a eye for good design, but that's not what I would call it. When I got to the entryway I popped down my step ladder and gave the handle to the Attic a couple good pulls, " yep, she's stuck alright, but I'll be done in no time." She thanked me and dismissed herself, I put on my tool belt and got to work. The second floor didn't look much different from the first floor; falling off wall paper, debris allover, old paintings, ect. I got my pry bar and stuck it in the entryway and just as I went to pull a figure showed in my periferal at the top of the stairs, it was a girl, around 12 just standing there kind of shocked, I don't blame her though I would be taken back aswell if I saw some stranger in my home trying to break in to my attic, she was wearing a pjs with long hair that desperately needed to be brushed. I just smiled, gave her a little wave I said " Hi I'm Sara, I'm just here to fix the at..." I stopped talking as she pointed to a door behind me. I must have been in her way, so I just moved over and she walks to her room and shuts the door. It was strange but it didn't stop me, it just made me work faster because I just wanted to get the heck out of there. Twenty or so minutes passed and I was ahead of schedule, all I needed to do was get the new track from my van, I started to clean up a bit when I heard a noise. I ignored the noise as these old homes tend to make noises sometimes. i heard it agian SCRATCH, SCRATCH, SCRATCH. at that moment in time I was ready to run out of there. I heard the noise coming from the girls room and it was getting increasingly louder. At that point I flew down the stairs to the front door. the old lady was by the front door on the living room just reading a book with the same welcome smile. I blurted out while painting " gotta.. go get.. the.. track from my van" I was out of breath and ready to throw up. I did a bit of a jog to my van which is at the end of the long gravel driveway,I got in to the back door of my van and locked it. It's been 15 minutes since then and I still can't pull together the courage to go back in,

What do I do???