New Job Rules!!

Backstory: this go kart building is located in a run down building in a bad part of town. This letter is received as an email just hours before your first shift.

Hey! , If you're reading this it means you just joined the team of pitsbergs best indoor go Karting as a pit worker. Before I get into your job description there are a couple of rules you need to know.

Every day when you go to sign in there should be a man at the front desk. He should be sitting with perfect posture and no emotion staring directly at the entrance. If said man is not there he is most likely behind you. If you turn around DO NOT LOOK IN HIS EYES, he does not like it. For the best chance of survival close your eyes and find your way out. Then call the front desk, if someone picks up the phone and you hear breathing, you should be good to renter, do not reenter until someone answers.

Assuming step 1 goes okay go ahead and walk past the desk to the office, and sign in. NOTE: once you sign in you may not leave untill your 8 hour shift is over.if you attempt to leave you will see that the door has disappeared

Once on shift if you get a call on the work phone with high pitched screaming it means she is coming. AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE hide inside of the locker. She will approach the locker and yank on the door. YOU MUST HOLD THE DOOR SHUT AS HARD AS POSSIBLE for if she catches you there is a 0% chance survival rate. You will know when you can exit when you here foot steps walking away.

If the a man approaches you and addresses himself as the night manager, and wishes to speak to you in his office DO NOT FOLLOW HIM as we do not have a night manager. Instead decline, if he is persistent, run.

If while opening for the day you spot someone in a go kart, it is crucial that you treat him as a normal customer. Simply walk up to him, do up his seat belt and start his kart. Let him drive around for 10 minutes then he will leave. NOTE if you don't let him race, he will become aggressive, survival rate: 10%

Your partner in the pit is the only person you can trust EXCEPT WHEN HE HAS NO EMOTION. If your partner has no emotion staring forward, it could be the front desk man in disguise, follow these steps closely. First make your way to your phone while keeping a eye on him BUT DO NOT LOOK IN HIS EYES. Then call the front desk, if someone answers it means that your teammate is okay just tell him to snap out of it. If nobody answers follow step 1 as your teammate is no longer living and the front desk man is disgusting as him.

While closing for the day if you see a man on the track follow this guide.

Pretend to ignore him

Quickly grab your belongings

Finish closing up

Sign out and leave

If he approches you, there is no use in running.