sci-fi movie about terraformers leaving colony to find power and what happened to a colony that went silent?
I vaguely remember this movie about a terraforming colony (on a pretty forested planet) that loses power and some members go in search of restoring power by following these huge power line poles left by the original colony constructors. They also want to know what happened to an old colony that went silent. Only to find out some are still living there but were attacked. As they follow the power lines they are being hunted by aliens (or people can't remember). They come across this HUGE (human if I recall) derelict crashed ship (near the power lines) and end up restoring the power (while fighting off aliens or those hunting them) through the ship to those lines to give power back to the colonies. It takes place on another planet and it was a fairly recent movie. I remember the town being pretty run down too. Then again I could be going crazy and remembering this wrong.
No it's not Aliens, Prospect or The Colony ;)
Edit Update 2/28/2025: So it was Chaos Walking which had the multiple colonies and the Pylons which were for a Monorail system. However, I still remember there being power lines and an exisiting colony which seem to be confused with some episodes of the new Lost in Space show (which I rewatched as well). So mystery solved! Perhaps some director will take both ideas and put them together as I described above! lol.... thanks everyone!