Gonna have surgery 9th of april, what to except? recovery wise

Im 15M, i already had many surgeries before as i had well a lot of medical stuff as a kid so im not fearfull of surgeries and stuff, of course i know this one will be the toughest i will ever have, but i still wanna study and stuff, they will do the surgery on 9th of april of this year because well we have holy week in my country (semana santa) im not sure of how its wrote in english so thats the literal translation, that starts from friday but yeah i will have like 11 days of recovery but i wanna start again at the 21th to study as thats when that holiday ends,

what can i except for surgery, will i grow taller? (i got like 60°) if so how much and how can i calculate the growth beforehand, will i be good to go to study after 11 days of recovery? (Good to study i mean not unbearable pain that i will not be able to stand up or something but i will be sitted most of the time as im doing like an coding themed high-school)