Vomiting while diving

What's the safest way to vomit at depth? It should go without saying I don't want to be vomiting if I can help it, but, sometimes the big breakfast (I dive cold water) the tight wetsuit, the weight belt, the motion of the ocean just start to get to me. I understand not feeling well is valid grounds to end the dive. But, It takes time to end the dive (~3min) and in this scenario my stomach is not being a team player. You're diving 50-100ft, cold water, poor vis and know you're about to vomit into your regulator, what can you do to best prepare for this and make aspiration as unlikely as you can? If you vomit on land it's embarrassing and inconvenient but you're able to recive the heimlich maneuver if need be, lie on your side, and be closer to a hospital in the unfortunate and unlikely event you aspirate or choke. In the ocean you have additional delays to access definitive care, a tank blocking heinlich, and a bunch of water to screw things up if you don't play it right. So, what should an ill diver do?