I genuinely don't like how weed is so normalized now

First of all, i am not against it. I'm glad it's becoming more and more legalized in the west. But my issue is more so about the culture around it and how nowadays, you're seen as weird if you don't part take . And apologies if this will get alittle ranty on my part. There won't be much structure in this post

And for further context: I've tired multiple times in the past. I don't have any conservative or prude-ish beliefs just don't parttake with weed since 1.i don't like a chemical dependency on anything
2. I genuinely believe it slows down cognitive capabilities, especially you've been doing it earlier in life 3. It just does nothing for me, i don't need it to relax, loosen upbor ease up. 4. It's expensive as hell 5. It's a huge hassle trying to do things or goto places when your buddies are constantly worried about getting random drug tests and thus can go as well

And all my weed friends suffer from problems all related to these 5 issues

I have a bunch of friends who are unbelievably hooked on weed. Can't go a day without it. One of my online friends who I've been playing with for afew years now told me that you has never, in their lives, played sober.

Many of them like to debate about things, ranging from politics, history, trivia etc. But it's rather difficult to take them seriously since they sound like 12 years doung their best at sound smart. Doesn't help that they sometimes can't recall stuff we talked about only afew days ago.a couple of them stutter and slur their words so badly that most of us can barely understand them.

They are almost always broke. I don't know how much they spend on their favorite substance but it's safe to assume that it's alot. Another guy I know from work once told me, on a whim, he bought some weed from a gas station clerk for 500usd , it was only afew ounces and it ended up making him sick, but still, goes to show how loose they are with their money

The same online friend is a massive fan of self improvement and will make speeches all day about the power of the human spirit and how willpower is the superpower we all have, mind over matter kind of stuff, he'll say that he could quit smoking anytime he wanted despite smoking everyday from almost 4 years now

Some of them genuinely think I'm joking when i say that I don't do weed. I think it's me trying to be a hipster or quirky, i try to explain to them that not smoking weed is still the norm and that assuming everyone in their 20sis a pothead is a serious problem in their viewpoint of the world.

I recently had some minor surgery done and had to be put under, and the one things my friends say is how they're looking forward to me getting "high" from the anesthesia and how its gonna be a good time and i immediately counter with saying "i didn't realize being high was a prerequisite for having fun".

Alot of them get really defensive when i call it a drug addiction. They'll give all the excuses and deflections in the book "weed isn't a real drug, it's not hardcore enough, i can quit at anytime". It's still a narcotic and they are still addicts

I think this spike in weed usage is due to the fact that it's slow becoming completely legal in the west and thus, it's kinda like a hot new commodity that alot of people are trying now, I'm sure it's "hype" will die down with time but i really dislike how commonplace it is.

I just hate how everyone that i know who likes weed, makes it either their entire personality or, at the very least, a huge part of it

Edit: fixed some grammar and spelling. Also wanyed to add this extra hottake.

I believe that anyone who's a pothead is a failure and anyone that does well or succeeds in life is DESPITE the weed, not because of it

Edit 2: i keep seeing people bringing up alcohol and saying that it's worse. I agree completely, it's far worse and far more normalized than weed ever was and will be. But that's not the point of this post. Pointing out the greater of 2 evils doesn't diminish the lesser one IMO