"wife ready" is not a great term y'all

I don't want to call anyone out or tell anyone off, and as a data professional I definitely understand how the statistics support using terms like this.

Still, it's been about a decade since I learned that it's no longer considered cool to use expressions like "so simple I could explain it to my mum", and I don't think terms like "wife-approved" and "wife-ready" are much different. Hell, here's a sound and vision article from way back in 2015 decrying the term as outdated — the audiophiles are more up to date than the self-hosters!

To say nothing of how alienating it must feel to be getting into self-hosting when you are yourself someone's wife — imagine learning that you're shorthand for "someone who doesn't get it" — that's how the massively skewed demographics become self-reinforcing, after all.

And because it's rude to suggest people stop using something without offering a sensible alternative, how about "family-ready" and "family-approval factor (FAF)"? It covers kids, eldsters, spouses of all kinds, and even pets if that's a consideration (cats love to sit on warm servers, after all).