Nearly just cried over my non-cuddly SD

I guess this is more of a vent than anything. I'm hoping to hear from some people who maybe have a dog like mine. Just to know I'm not alone.

I feel a little silly being so upset about this. My SD Scarlett is a great dog. She does her job very well, she's incredibly smart and well behaved. The problem (not really a problem, but can't think of another word) is that she basically hates being in close proximity to me when we're just hanging out at home. She likes being pet, but she's not cuddly. I wish we could snuggle up in bed together but if I get too close she scooches away.

I love her. Of course I love her. I love her just the way she is. But sometimes I do just want to cuddle with my dog.

Anyway tonight I was just in need of some puppy snuggles but she was not having it. She jumped off the bed when I got even a bit closer.

Also I feel I should say I don't push her boundaries. I don't force her to be close to me when she doesn't want to. She's never received anything but love and affection and respect of her boundaries from me. She's just not a cuddly dog. And that's fine. But it makes me sad.

Guess I'm just looking for some reassurance and people in similar situations. Thanks.