Foldable cardboard pc case?

I made +- 10 liters foldable cardboard pc case, it can handle 2 slot, 2 fan gpu, checked with Palit GTX 1060, but don't have photos, sorry.

I had $50, psu, RAM, water filter box, bunch of zip ties and desire to cut something with a stationery knife.

After upgrading the main rig, I decided to build something from leftovers, found on market H310M mobo with Pentium G5400 and box cooler for $20, bought the cheapest 512GB SSD for $27 and ID-Cooling 90mm fan for $3.

Right now it can run Minecraft, YouTube and Chrome. Since my mother can watch her favourite K-dramas with comfort it's worth it.

At first I wanted to buy a Deepcool CH160 mesh, but decided to buy a CC150 (i9-9900F 3.5ghz) on AliExpress. When it came, for sure I'll be forced to move to a normal pc case, but for now it makes jobs done.