A sunni with shia believes

Assalam o Alikum, I am sharing my story i was born in a sunni (Dawat e islami) family and till the age of 18 i was neither practicing nor intrested in religion and its teachings etc One day i was randomly scrolling my phone a speech came in my feed and for the first time i came to know that yazeed was a "muslim" at first i thought it is not possible how muslims can do this to the decendants of Prophet (SAWW) because till that day in my perception those who were involved in Karbala were non muslims but after checking from other sources when it was confirmed to me that all the people who were against Imam Hussain AS were muslims i went into state of shock and unintentionally my hand "slapped" my forehead. From that day i started doing research that how is it possible that muslims did that. And it took alot of time to understand the whole history of battle of camel , siffin , naharwan and the events occured before those battles including Baag e Fadak and the appointment of first caliph in Saqeefa bani Saada And assasinations of 2nd and 3rd caliph Etc There were many questions in my mind because i never knew the realities. I went to scholars but they had no satisfactory answers one of them said we should remain silent on these issues. It became really difficult for me to live among the people who defend the enemies of Ahle Bait AS. I was in a mosque to offer friday prayer but what the scholar was saying from mimber was unbearable for me i left the mosque without praying. Sunni scholars never tells the history to their followers many common sunnis don't even know that who was the father, grand father and grand mother of yazeed and what they did in early years of islam and after the death/martydom of prophet SAWW. I started convincing my friends and family by telling them actual history and events but i just got hate. but Alhamdulilah i was able to change the believes of my mother. I can not express my believes openly because i live among sunnis and i have no shia friend or any link to shias. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for me to listen sunnis praising the enemies of Ahle Bait AS a few years ago i thought that they are unaware of actual facts after knowing the truths they will definately change but it was not like that. My friends don't want to talk on these topics in starting my family was also against me but now they just want me to keep the believes to myself and never express them to anyone. I no longer go to mosques even i skip friday prayers my heart do not allow me to pray behind them and i don't have enough courage to go in a shia mosque/imam bargah alone. I do have many questions about shiaism as well but i agreee with major believes like after Holy Prophet SAWW Mola Ali AS is the most superior and the selection of successor was rigged in Saqifa bani saada I have no respect for anyone who fought against Mola Ali AS , Imam Hassan AS , Imam Hussain AS and their decendents. And Syeda SA was the only daughter of Prophet SAWW. I don't call my self shia either brcause i only Know regarding first three Imams i am committed to continue my journey. i have very limited knowledge of other Imams and the differences among Twelvers , Zydis and Agha Khanis and who is right among them

I request all of you to pray for me May Allah guide me to the right path