Unpopular opinion: it’s better to be comically short than normal short
The best height for a man to be is obviously 6’+. And that’s obviously followed by 5’11, 5’10, etc. But I feel like when it gets to a certain point, like 5’6 or 5’7, it reaches minimal levels of attractiveness and can’t go down any further. And then when it starts to get comically short, people are considered slightly more attractive again. Like around the 5’ mark. I’d say around Danny DeVito or Chimbala’s height is when it starts to get a bit cool again, in a gimmicky silly sort of way. And the levels of cool keep increasing as you approach genuine dwarf territory, like Peter Dinklage for example. While really short guys will never be considered as attractive as tall guys or even average guys, I think they’ve at least got a better chance of finding a girlfriend than guys who are regular short, like 5’7. 5’2-5’8 is in my opinion, the worst range to be in.