Rotten Tomatoes API?

Hi, I'm looking for an API for Rotten Tomatoes so I can more easily search what I'm looking for, similar to RT's own advanced search function back in the day, for those who know.

not sure if this is even possible with an API, or some other solution... I'm using the website flickmetrix, previously known as cinesift, to find all films based on certain RottenTomatoes criteria....but sadly, it doesn't seem to fetch RT info as accurately as it does Metacritic and IMDb and other sources...but alas, I'm only interested in RT....sometimes, some films wont even show up, due to the RT rating not even being linked to that particular movie....other times, the rating is all over the says a movie has 71%, but it had 94%, or something like that

Is there a way to pull accurate on the fly information from this site, while factoring in the amount of critic reviews? Say a minimum of 10, and search by year and language and tomatometer or something like that....not so much me searching for a specific movie, but it can pull all the data for a selection of years

Thank you