Is it worth it?

(Cheapest prices I could find )

I might be getting a ps2 soon and the Silent Hill games were high on my list to get for it. But I was in absolute shock when I looked them up on ebay. First off why?? Are they actually rare or is it just cause they're popular?

Second, are they worth the money? I mean I know they're not, because no game that's ever been made is worth this much outside of being a collector's item (I could go on a rant about that but I won't), but if I did get them, would I enjoy them?

I played the Silent Hill 2 remaster and had mixed feelings; Loved the story, characters, atmosphere, plot, level design, and its use of symbolism. However, there were a lot of things I didn't like too: the gameplay frustrated me, especially the combat mixed with the camera angles, and the puzzles felt painfully obscure at times. Also, the voice acting and diologue felt really awkward sometimes.

If I had a well paying career I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I'm a college student working at a movie theater. I'm good at saving but even buying them over time would make somewhat of a dent.

So, is it worth it? And are there cheaper places to get em?

Also, I wanna add here, I know there are emulators and repros. I want the real deal or nothing at all. I really love playing games on their intended hardware and love having physical copies.