Need Some Words of Encouragement
Ever since November (I’m sure you can guess which date) I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and frustrated. I’ve been working hard since then to downsize/eliminate collections and clutter so I just have what I need/love, and to simplify life so it’s not so stressful. I’ve even cut way back on social media scrolling and been replacing it with fun hobbies like crocheting and playing a language learning app, and I don’t watch the news. The only purchases I’ve made this month is for necessities and food. But I still feel overwhelmed, frustrated and tired, like I just can’t get ahead of myself and stuff that needs to be done, and I frequently miss getting simple things done or I somehow mess them up. Encouraging words would be greatly appreciated!
TL;DR: Even though I’ve cut out/cut back on a bunch of crap I’m still tired and overwhelmed. Send positivity!