How do I make work more enjoyable?

I have a great life right now and I'm incredibly fortunate to share it with a loving partner. I have hobbies, friends, a home, cats, and no financial worries. The only thing that upsets me is the amount of hours we have to work. I'm very much an advocate for the 4 day work, 32 hour work week and find it absurd that we spend so much of our lives at work when studies have shown we would be more productive with a shorter work week. There's no reason to spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer when work could be done in 4 hours. Like many, I feel trapped and feel like life is slipping by while I spend it at work. I have hobbies that I love but not enough time to enjoy it all due to work. And I am already fortunate to have a federal job and a normal 40 hour a week work week with a pension at the end of my career (hopefully given the current US events). It's a great job with great benefits but I still believe we just spend too much time at work when it's not necessary. I know people will read this and think that I have it good and that I'm lazy for wanting to work less, but I think we are long overdue for work reform. Does anyone have tips to make the work day better, as in more enjoyable? Changes in mindset? I'm in a "this is the reality and I need to deal with it" mindset but it is disheartening to think about how much time is spent at work and how little time we have to ourselves.