Underglow Marble

So, I was very ambitious last night and decided to attempt my first water marble, and well the results were abysmal. I don’t know what happened, and I’ll probably have to practice a lot to get it right. But I changed courses and decided to try a different marble technique I saw in a YouTube video and I’m very pleased with the result.

Pinky: Holo Taco Vitamin Glow Ring finger: Holo Taco Moon Lagoon Middle and index: Marble with Holo Taco Shadow Lake, Vitamin Glow, Moon Lagoon, and Cloud Nine over Swan Song Thumb: Halo Taco Cloud Nine

Base coat: Mooncat Hardcore Base coat, followed by Halo Taco Smoothing Base Top coat: Halo Taco Super Glossy Taco

Also, to note, I must have gotten a perfect batch because I found this formula super easy to work with. I was expecting some difficulty, based on reviews, but I had zero issues. Maybe it was the smoothing base but I had almost complete opacity in 2 coats for all the light colors.