Roast My Portfolio
Trigger warning: I do not hold VWRA
Please crtitique my portfolio
Background: Currently in workforce, middle-class income
Investment horizon: Long, ~20 years or more
Portfolio: 50% VUSD 25% Blue Chip stocks 15% local REITs 10% Crypto
Rationale: Vusd - For the S&P market exposure, Ireland domiciled. I chose this over a world index as i believe many large-caps are already international
Blue Chips - Mostly tech-based. I do not intend to increase my exposure, instead will just let my winners run
REITs - Mixture of commercial, industrial and healthcare. For their relative stability, and to hedge against my blue chip picks
Crypto - Definitely the speculative piece of my portfolio, mostly in BTC and ETH.
Gameplan: My decision to have a larger than usual stock pick and crypto exposure is because my portfolio size is still relatively small, and my runway long.
Will only be DCA-ing to my VUSD and REIT positions for the foreseeable future, with occasional buys for the blue chips if there are opportunities. Will be holding my crypto as I'm just curious to see how it plays out.
As I get older, I will probably DCA more heavily into REITs and other dividend paying stocks, and thus my exposure to the others would decrease.