Definitive 2025 advice for investing SRS funds into global or US equity position?

It's extremely confusing to look for real advice on investing SRS and CPF-OA funds. The information on official sites like CPF's is useless, many finance blogger overviews are superficial, uninformed lists, and there is advice where there is no math or some small details are incorrect. Is there any updated, deeper overview good for 1 Jan 2025?

Here are the options for SRS, US or global equity only:

  1. S27 ETF using brokerage - You can buy the S27 S&P500 ETF to get US (not global) index exposure, and it is the only ETF among the older choices that has actual broad exposure and an expense ratio below 0.1%. This is subject to brokerage commissions and custody and other fees, a hidden fee because it is less liquid and you lose a little money when you buy or sell if you cannot get the best price, and is subject to US taxes (US dividend witholding and US estate). This is the old default option.

  2. Amundi Prime USA Fund using Endowus (0.35%) - Amundi Prime USA Fund became the new default on this sub after Endowus. Endowus charges a 0.3% platform fee (for single fund positions with no rebalancing) to access low cost funds, and Amundi Prime USA Fund costs 0.05% + 0.30% to access a US large/mid cap index close to the S&P 500 (and had a slightly higher return in 2024 because of US large cap performance). It's a Luxembourg entity that is not as tax efficient a Irish entities (such as the CSPX ETF discussed outside SRS funds, where the small amount of dividends are taxed at 15% not 30%, due to the US-Ireland tax treaty).

  3. Dimensional US Core Equity Fund using Endowus (0.50%) - If you believe in the Dimensional "factor" based approach over market index, Endowus makes this Dimensional US fund (benchmark Russell 3000) available at 0.20% + 0.30%. It's an Irish fund that enjoys the cheaper US dividend tax rate.

  4. iShares US Index Fund (IE) S&P 500 using Endowus (0.38%) - iShares US Index Fund (IE) S&P 500 is the only Endowus option for tracking the actual US S&P500 index, but it's a synthetic fund, meaning it uses swaps to reproduce the index return instead of holding the actual stocks. You get slightly cheaper taxes because there are no actual dividends and no leakage due to US dividend tax. Fees are 0.08% + 0.30%, not including this small tax benefit. You have to understand risks due to the counterparty for the swaps and complications from derivatives, which have been managed and documented for many years.

  5. Amundi Index MSCI World Fund using Endowus (0.40%) - Similar to the Amundi USA option, but tracks MSCI World Index for 23 developed countries instead of US indices. Fees are 0.10% + 0.30%. This is not as broad as the VWRA global ETF discussed outside SRS due to lack of emerging markets, but a very cheap global option.

  6. Dimensional Global Core Equity Fund using Endowus (0.56%) - Similar to Dimensional US Core Equity Fund above, but also tracks MSCI World Index and lacks emerging markets. Fees are 0.26% + 0.30%.

  7. Dimensional World Equity Fund using Endowus (0.65%) - Similar to Dimensional US Core Equity Fund above, but tracks a broader global index that includes emerging markets. Fees are 0.35% + 0.30%. There are other Dimensional options on Endowus such as an emerging markets large cap fund, and there is no synthetic fund option for global exposure.

  8. Amundi Index MSCI World A12S (C) SGD and other Amundi ETFs via POEMS brokerage - This is a new option for December 2024, and the literature from POEMS is hard to find and incomprehensible. This is the Amundi World Fund above (not the US fund), and POEMS is offering for broker costs instead of the 0.3% Endowus platform fee (leaving the fund fee of 0.1%). The one-time commission to buy and any ongoing fees should be lower than Endowus' 0.3% annual fee, but I'm honestly not clear. I am hoping Endowus matches or is actually cheaper overall, because Endowus has a far, far better interface, literature, and customer support by far compared to any other SRS option out there.

So this is far from as simple as it looks, and this is a commitment to hold SRS for decades.

Does anyone have a definitive answer where is the best and the cheapest option for SRS for US equity exposure and for global equity exposure? Does anyone have the answer for CPF-OA too?