Where does one begin when finding a vocal coach? (Opera)

I am looking to begin expanding on my ability to sing Opera.

Where do I begin? Does a standard vocal coach teach opera? Does it matter what type of coach, or are there specifically Opera coaches? I have searched but can not find much on specifically opera.

Experience: I have found from an early age that I have a natural talent for singing Opera. When I was 15 I sang a portion of Nessun Dorma to my band teacher after she heard me discussing my talent. It was not perfect, but she told me that I sounded identical to Pavarotti, and that I would be wasting my talent if I did not use it.

I am not 31, and am finding that I should probably start expanding on my skill. I can still sing, but I have almost no experience or training aside from singing to myself.

What type of vocal coach should I be seeking?

I live in the Tampa area if there are any local suggestions.