Does this community promote unhealthy collecting?

Before you dismiss my post off the title hear me out. Do you reckon a lot of the posts here are too much about 'look what i got' 'this is my collection' rather than enjoying what you have? I feel like people are always talking about what they dont have rather than what they do. Its like they need to own the ro bow because its a rare sort after item. Not because they genuinely wanted it.

This came to mind recently after i spoke to a person who just got back into the games again who played giants as a kid. And i guess they got hit with a massive wave of fomo because they spent thousands of dollars immediately. Buying the big 3, all of trap team, sf, imaginators etc. And they've never played a game past giants. Surely, this can't be healthy? How do you enjoy what you have if you got it all in one go. How do you even know you're going to enjoy these expensive optional figures on a game you've never played. Let alone in 2 years time. My best memories with skylanders were ones that for a while, a specific one was the centre of attention. I've bought figs in bulk before and always end up being less attached to them.

Idk. Just think maybe we should be less about what people have and more about the enjoyment. But what do you think? Maybe its just the nature of a toys to life game and a hobby where collecting is a big part of it. Feels like rather than promoting making a curated collection of only figures you like, we give the most status to people who own as much crap as possible. I own 1 of every base figure and i can tell you, i could probably cut half of them and nothing would change. There isn't enough content in the games to justify owning them all. A lot go unplayed unless you know you will still be replaying these games for years to come. And thats just not reality for a lot of people.