Here is a "Small" but REALLY helpful suggestion for all texture modders in AE/SE now that this game supports engine level PBR.

We all know that thanks to Doodlez, this game now supports PBR, but though i am not playing the game for a while, i have been keeping up with the news, and i must say i didnt doubt the guy, even with boris hit squads trying to off him.

But jokes aside, here is the big Elephant in the room, which is Optimization and OFC Quality material, because many of the screenshots i seen lately looks more like plastic over proper material like Metal, Dirt, Wood, Stone and even Leather/Fur, and most of these packs which also uses 4k+ sized textures that on top of skyrims own meshes doesn't change any details at all, because shoving a high res 8k texture on top of a badly optimized mesh wont change the detail of said thing and look "realistic" like magic or a terrible and repeated UE5 game engine render.

So here is the deal, before moving to custom textures, begin early with the PBR textures using the existing and even fixed and optimized Vanilla textures on which the author explained how SSE textures came to be and work from there, i know that many here are "experts" here at this subreddit, but the issue is that by now this game is bloated with tons and tons of custom textures with not a single unified pack outside pfusher or valhalla, which is also a problem due to varying quality stuff, and this game also have have a nasty problem with compatibility even with Vortex/MO2's Mod Hierarchy and lux with its tons of compatibility problems that makes the old ELFX look tame.

So i am begging to all texture modders who posts here, please work with optimized Vanilla first before moving to your own packs or even other packs updates, so it is easier to learn how PBR Materials works and how all textures should look like, Everyone will be happy with it and there wont be any problems at all.