Help me make Skyrim more beautiful

Hello Community, So I'm modding Skyrim currently and I run across some hideous textures/effects of which I distain.

I can only describe what I'm seeing as Vanilla Skyrim's attempt to "Frost Cover" things. Really just looks like someone took a white can of spray paint and did whatever :(

It's not snow... No snow is thick and fluffy and beautiful. This is more of like a very thin layer of Ice or Frost on the ground, covering some grasses and areas (Very Poorly). Its really terrible.

These effects are prevalent ESPECIALLY in Morthal. I also have great issue with the small iceflows / ice buildup allegedly "floating" on the waters surface in Morthal.

Here is a link to the offensive and ugly textures in question:

I'm writing you lovely people today because these Vanilla eye sores have assaulted my retina for far too long. Would any of you brave souls have the courage to assist me in vanquishing what ever these are once and for all by suggesting a Mod/Fix/Work around specifically tailored to tackle the issues described?