Eating Animations and Sounds SE isn't working.

I have Eating Animations and Sounds SE and its patch "Eating Animations - Patch Collection" and i use Vortex. Thanks in advance :-)

EDIT: Its possible that the reason the mod isn't working is because of a problem with Nemesis. Nemesis doesn't give me any errors but the mod doesn't appear.

EDIT2: Now i've selected the mod in nemesis but it still isnt working :-(

Link to Skyrimprefs.ini

Link to Skyrim.ini

Plugins.txt for some reason is incomplete

Mod List (Load Order):



JaySus Swords SE - All in one

Sky UI

Immersive Interactions

Vitality Mode

AFT (+aft no dances)

Cutting Room Floor

Breezehome by Lupus


Riverside Lodge

Convenient Horses

My home is your home

Race Menu


All one handed weapons dual wield

Custom one made by me (just for editing a npc face)

" "

Common clothes and armor

Object Manipulation Overhaul

\For mods use*

Dynamic Activation Key

Papyrus Extender



Address Library for SKSE plugins

Dynamic Animation Replacer

powerofthree's Tweaks

Keyword Item Distributor


Payload Interpreter
SkyUI - Ghost item fix

First Person Animation Teleport Bug Fixx

AnimObject Swapper
Quest Journal Fixes - FOMOD

Dynamic Activation Key

Mfg Fix NG