SCRE4M (2011) Is this anyone else’s favorite Scream sequel?

It was my first Scream movie in theaters so I’m a bit biased lol but it was so much fun, I loved the killer reveal, it was shocking for 10 year old me at the time😂. I loved all the new teenage characters in the friend group, they had pretty big names in this one as well. Anna Paquin , Kristen Bell, Lucy Hale, Alison Brie , and those are just the ones off the top of my head. This movie definitely had a lot of star power. It also captured the essence of the original for me here being back in Woodsboro for me. For some reason 5’s Woodsboro felt off to me. I also loved the return to following a high school group of friends. Reminds me of the original. The opening was silly but so fun and balls to the wall with the concept. The calls are a staple in Scream and they’re plentiful here form Ghostface which I felt lacked in 5. The chases aren’t amazing, but there’s still a few chase esque sequences (Kirby’s roof) that get the job done. The 2nd act feels perfectly fine in terms of pace and had enough kills to pad any part of the movie that may have seemed like filler. Also, Rebecca being thrown off the parking garage after her kill was a perfect spectacle to really get the town fearful of the new killers. The 3rd act was one of my favorites. Kirby’s phone call was a highlight. It was reminiscent of the original movies final act but with the final girl being the killer twist and would’ve been really cool had we seen Kevin Williamsoms original vision. Emma Roberts was my favorite ghostface reveal. I could go on but I’ll stop here because I can love on this movie forever. 😅

It was my first Scream movie in theaters so I’m a bit biased lol but it was so much fun, I loved the killer reveal, it was shocking for 10 year old me at the time😂. I loved all the new teenage characters in the friend group, they had pretty big names in this one as well. Anna Paquin , Kristen Bell, Lucy Hale, Alison Brie , and those are just the ones off the top of my head. This movie definitely had a lot of star power. It also captured the essence of the original for me here being back in Woodsboro for me. For some reason 5’s Woodsboro felt off to me. I also loved the return to following a high school group of friends. Reminds me of the original. The opening was silly but so fun and balls to the wall with the concept. The calls are a staple in Scream and they’re plentiful here form Ghostface which I felt lacked in 5. The chases aren’t amazing, but there’s still a few chase esque sequences (Kirby’s roof) that get the job done. The 2nd act feels perfectly fine in terms of pace and had enough kills to pad any part of the movie that may have seemed like filler. Also, Rebecca being thrown off the parking garage after her kill was a perfect spectacle to really get the town fearful of the new killers. The 3rd act was one of my favorites. Kirby’s phone call was a highlight. It was reminiscent of the original movies final act but with the final girl being the killer twist and would’ve been really cool had we seen Kevin Williamsoms original vision. Emma Roberts was my favorite ghostface reveal. I could go on but I’ll stop here because I can love on this movie forever. 😅