What's some good site, people to follow that actually value reality over ideological interpretation?
Lately I've been navigating between leftist and right online spaces, I'm mostly left leaning in general, but as of lately I'm starting to wonder if there's any site or people that actually value reality itself over interpretation of reality under ideological tendencies, explain more: some people with ideological tendencies prefer to interpret some phenomena of the world under the light of their own ideology, they see as a justifying their worldview, not how the world as it is, but how the world looks like under this lens, both right and left people are like this, they spin grand narratives about how the other side is actually controlling everything and they are actually fighting for the right side. Ok, rant aside, my point is: there's anyone, group or site that look at reality as it is without much ideological bias? I'm extremely confused seeing news from both political spectrum with such divergent interpretation that I actually can't truly know what's really real or not. Thanks in advance.