Do You Think College Is Worth It For Entrepreneurship?
For those that took the higher education route, do you feel it helped you in any shape or form in your business ventures? Do you ultimately feel it's what made you who you are in business today?
I’m a millennial and followed the traditional path I thought I was “supposed to.” I got my bachelor's in communication advertising, which means nothing today because everything learned was right before social media took off so most info is pretty obsolete. No body cares about print ads in magazines anymore.
Then, I went on to get my master’s in health administration because I’ve always been passionate about preventative care and mental health. However, it just emphasized how much of a scam the whole healthcare system is. It's built on these unrealistic metrics and greed which ultimately turned me off off from the field altogether.
When I started finding myself interested in entrepreneurship everything I learned has come from YouTube, Coursera, Udemy, Community Forums, and trial and error. It’s been a mix of self-teaching and figuring it out as I go, which makes me wonder why I even spent so much time and money on degrees that didn’t really prepare me for the path I’m on now.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand that college can be valuable for some people, especially in specialized fields. But for me, it feels like I paid a ton of money for two pieces of paper that didn't give me skills and knowledge I actually use every day. I feel like I got them because the majority of jobs have degrees listed as a "requirement".
I've been reflecting a lot on my college experience lately and am starting to feel like it was all a farce and expensive waste. Does any feel getting a degree helped you at all with your entrepreneurial ventures? I really been pushing my boys to understand the importance having skills you can monetize and to always have more than one stream of income (never learned this concept in any of my classes), and then my boomer parents are all in the background like "college, college, college"....