Considering starting a family entertainment center business (laser tag?) / Am i having a midlife crises?

at the moment i own a small consulting business which is quite lucrative. I've been doing this sort of work for 17 years and am just bored of it. I used to love it and when i loved it, it was easy to work hard. The boredom is affecting the quality of my work. I think its time for a change.

I have around 200k that i would invest and i suspect i can get another 200k in loans. So for budget I am thinking around 400k. I live in a wealthy suburb with lots of people around. There are other entertainment centers that appear to be successful. Enough to prove the model works but not so many that I'd be worried about competition.

From what i have read it seems like laser tag is in my budget, but best practice is to add a couple other attractions (because it increase the time people spent at your facility which increases the distance they are willing to drive). At this stage I'm open to any set of attractions, leaning toward laser tag and the primary.

There are lots of vendors that provide laser tag equipment so that part is easy, but building out an arena seems like a challenge. I expect there will be nobody in my area with that kind of experience. I found one vendor out of Florida (1000+ miles away). So i think I'd mostly be on my own. I am thinking i will go to other arenas and examine their props and building materials to get a sense of how they did it. Maybe i can copy them. There is a safety concern when it comes to terraces, ramps, balconies and things of that nature. If anyone has ideas on this front I'd love to hear there.

Just looking for other perspectives and constructive criticisms. Laser tag wreaks of mid life crises, but somebody is founding these kinds businesses. the ones I'm aware of have been in business for decades, i think the success rate is reasonably high. I don't really want to put my money in the stock market right now.