chronically overwhelmed software engineer thinking about switching over to testing. anybody got any experience first or second hand with this switch?
i’ve been programming for over 2 years and i’m stressed with pair programming due to being audhd and have the fear of being perceived. i struggle to break down tickets into steps, i struggle to start features. i am more of a visual person. it’s imposter syndrome and it’s just getting worse despite having such a positive environment and manager. i’ve spoke to someone recently that switched from test to dev to test and said it was the best place for them (they also had similar struggled)
i just feel like im in the wrong career and i wish i tried to get into testing initially more. i kind of just stumbled into this and im so burnt out.
has anyone had experience switching from programming to test and how can i educate myself in the space before i officially start a conversation with my manager?
edit: a few points because i feel like people are judging my situation greatly
my company has no blame culture for both dev and test
i have already spoken to a tester who has tried to be a developer AND has the same struggles as i do with engineering. she is so much happier and is less stressed in test
my potential manager is lovely and i have a good network with him
i have absolutely little to no deadlines at my company and would never be rushed to get a feature out bug free. we have cancelled and delayed many releases because testers needed more time