Selling our house with Solar and buyers are asking if the solar can be removed...

As the title says, we are trying to sell our house right now. The market is tough with these interest rates and we thought Solar would be a good selling point since it removes the cost of energy from the cost of owning a home. Our home has 30 panels and 2 10-kWh enphase batteries. Fully owned, paid off, and warrantied. It has been a great system for producing energy and having a backup in case the grid goes down (the joy of living in Texas).

Anyways, we had a buyer who liked the house but asked if they could have the solar removed......didn't even consider that to be a question we would get. Went through all the sales points to show why it is a great investment for them but they ended up declining and going in a different direction.

Ignoring the frustrating part of trying to sell our house, we can't help but laugh about this situation. And while we are motivated to sell and move (close on a new house out of the state next month), we also wouldn't want to sell the house to someone who couldn't appreciate the solar and energy independence.

Figured I would share the experience with the group and give y'all something to laugh about.