Decentralised Education
With education being a critical aspect of shaping how students come to see and learn about the world, we are still using an “industrial education” model because it’s time and cost efficient.
Well, what if we changed that? Below are a few ideas I have on the idea of a ‘decentralised’ education system.
Students keep evidence of their progress in a portfolio (ages 16-18) to show future employers and universities.
Parents join Google classrooms where they can view instructional videos and activities they can use with their child at home to address learning concerns and practice fundamental skills.
Students get involved in good-will activities in their local communities to build engagement with the general public, learn practical skills from local experts and build a reputation for when they want to enter the job market.
Students only progress when they provide evidence they have reached certain milestones rather than just get older. Being past a certain percentile automatically allocates them to more specialised aid.
Based on their location, students might create a Library of Things containing materials to complete their assessments, such as craft supplies, sports equipment and electronic devices (in case they cannot attend school e.g. cut off due to flooding).
Leave your thoughts and ideas below.