Pick n Pay Closing but there is a solution?
I keep seeing that Pick n Pay is in trouble financially and being a recruiter, I see that their developers have been laid off as well so the problem seems serious... but... with all of their financial worries, I don't seem to understand how they spend so much on Marketing and stuff. Their videos seem like it was almost made in a professional studio with lighting, hiring huge names to help "promote" the brand and more.
Correct me if I'm wrong but... the whole reason I tend to steer clear of pick n pay stores is their high ass prices, competing with Woolies prices (just as expensive) for sometimes questionable quality. Now make no mistake.. I'm not saying other stores are any better in this regard but for example, between pick n pay and checkers, checkers knows their things are sometimes questionable but at least don't charge the same prices as pick n pay. Fruit and veg at PnP seem to be about 5-10 bucks more than checkers. And that adds up. Same with frozen goods at times. So obviously, if I'm shopping for the house, I'll go to checkers because I feel less ripped off when it comes to food items...
Am I wrong? Open to thoughts but that's just what I've noticed at least.