Did I end game glitch sphinx and the cursed mummy?

I’m at the lost temple area. Where you need the 6 stones. I’m doing this off memory so I apologize for vagueness. But you go into the room with the two glyph key holders in the center with floating disks around them. On either side above you need to kill a green worm who then uncovers a statue you break. And both on the left or right have a glyph key. I got both and the two slabs of cement slide out so I can get to the end door. But then I died. When I came back, the first key was no longer in the holder, platform slid back in, and no statue above to break anymore to grab the key again. On the left side, it shows remanence of a smashed statue, but on the right, nothing. I can’t activate it. I don’t have a key in my inventory. Am I done? I played straight with no sleep to get this far from the beginning so I’m choked.