At what point are you a candidate for surgery?

I injured my back during powerlifting when I was 16. The school sent me to get an MRI that showed a herniated disk. I was told that I was too young for surgery and given my first injection.

Fast forward to now, I’m 27 and have been dealing with back pain for 11 years. I have done PT, been to chiropractors, and have gotten injections.

About a year ago I was told that I was not to the point where I needed surgery yet and to keep going with the injections until I can’t stand it. My MRI results at that point were:

FINDINGS: Disc desiccation is seen at the L5-S1 level. A broad-based disc protrusion with a central component of approximately 3 mm. ligamentum flavum and facet hypertrophy is noted. These findings cause moderate bilateral neural foraminal narrowing but no significant central canal narrowing. A small posterior annular tear is seen at this level.

Every time my injections have worn off, the pain has gotten worse. It’s radiating down my leg to my knee and through my hips. I cannot function normally, workout, or take care of my family the way I need to. I have a great support system and a lot of help. I feel like I am at the point where I need surgery. I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow and I just need some reassurance that I am at the point where I can push for surgery, or if I am being a baby and need to listen to the doctor and wait until it’s worse. Please help.