Feeling guilty
I’m 10 days po from an L3-S1 TLIF and I’m doing so fantastic that I feel guilty, especially after reading stories here.
I’m only taking pain meds at night, I’m walking 1+ miles a day (in short bursts, like 0.3 miles at a time), I’m doing light house work and cooking, and pooping like a champ.
My care team jokes about how over prepared I was for surgery - even my husband thought I was nuts. Now he is glad I did the prep work.
I also didn’t slow down before surgery. I was in a TON of pain pre-surgery. Basically I worked and slept. But I think it helped me have a better outcome and attitude to recovery. Before the pain was hopeless with no end in sight. Now the pain is hopeful. I can see my new life in front of me and I’m so excited to get back to what I love!