Dynamo Roller: It Deserves Correction

I’m basically a casual. I like talking here when I pick up weapons as you’ve noticed. I’m at -500 S+0 Rank rn but I still outplay most S Rank matches in my experience so I’m sticking with my negative points to practice movement and better “what do I do here” without much of a fear of losing.

In my quest to keep the game fresh, since I was starting to get very upset and hurt over it (cuz of my skill) I decided to try Dynamo Roller. What a weird weapon! Somehow it can provide okay cooler output if I focus on that and give it special power up. Despite literally any roller but big swig doing the killing better, something about landing a hit with Dynamo feels ecstatic. Even me, though, hence the preface, can sense that something is just not right. Lo and behold a lot of the big splat names say the same thing. The Splatoon 1 era harmed it so much it’s struggled to keep up ever since with the nerfs, AND Splatoon 3 is a very fast paced meta at all times, it can’t possibly keep up.

With the obvious out of the way, I feel that surely, surely there is a compromise here. The weapon doesn’t have to be the Squidbuster 5000 again, but it should feel like the unique weapon it used to be with its range, paint, or inconsistent damage. Dynamomaxxers, what should be changed? Or do people dislike fighting the weapon and hope it’s never fixed?