SM won't stop using restroom cleaner on the bars
we have this SM for like a year now, and she's always used the restroom cleaner to clean the ice bins, counters, bars, bar sinks, etc. ALL OF US (baristas and SSVs) have told her that it's only for non food contact surfaces, she tells us it's fine and she's always done this, and even tells new employees to do this. my ssv printed out the information sheets for the cleaners and underlined NOT FOR FOOD CONTACT SURFACES and made a my daily post reminder saying not to use it for anything but bathrooms and cleaning tools. my SM commented "i never said to use it for anything but the sinks" (lying😭) and then when multiple baristas who were pissed off commented "that's not true" so she deleted the whole My Daily post so our DM doesn't see it. Lol. just wanted to share