out of state transfer - shift

I'm still a barista technically but I'm being trained to be ready to have a shift position by the end of my lease so I can transfer out of state and get a position elsewhere! Does anybody have any tips on how to go about finding a good location to transfer to? Unfortunately I don't get to scope out the area before moving and I really don't know if there's any way to tell if a store is a circus or if it runs smoothly. My current store is the busiest in the district and most well rated so I really think I can adapt to an store not to brag. I just called the stores and asked if they're looking for a shift by the time my lease ends but whoever picks up the phone typically says they don't know so I'm not sure if I should just apply online and hope for the best or what... Anybody else transfer out of state without first seeing a store? How'd it go for you?