Supply or Die help - Mining or Salvage

Hello friends! So after spending two sessions trying to snag any Tin off the terminals, all I was able to ever get was about 8 scu. The terminals would be out before I could even click on the Tin.

Frustrating as that is, I'm willing to try the mine or salvage routes. However, I've never done either loop. I own a Fortune, but I know the vulture is faster.

Soi my questions is which way should I go?


-I know I should get a prospector and certain heads for the lasers which I can google.

-I know refining is involved, that it takes days and you lose on the tranfer.

-Realistically do I have time to start mining and complete one of the 13 or 24mil contracts before the event ends?


-Do I salvage panels? or take missions for slavage, and then just cancel them and store the RMC?

-Do I buy the CM from terminals? I don't have the big savlage ship to break things down.

-I'm assuming getting a vulture is the best choice even though I have the prospector due to how much slower prospector is? (I was planning to CCU up from mine)'

Thank you for the advice :)