How do you find the people with drive?

So I'm thinking of something but I feel it's not easy for just 1 leader to keep going with the drive they have. Initially you need people who are passionate and willing to take an extra mile. Maybe not so much later in the company.

How do you find people who take up initiatives anymore? Who aren't here to do what they're told but are free and bring out of the box ideas to the table?

Edit: I'm a student who's looking to build something, so at a nacent stage I don't have equity to offer, what I meant is probably find people with drive who'll join the idea and work towards it and we reap benefits together.

Edit 2: All of your resposnes are great, but my How was quite literal, networking? I find myself and others at networking event plain fake. I've found some passionate people while doing college projects and groups. Be it about food, but they're willing to change or bring something of their own with regards to food.