I'm Done Visiting This Subreddit

Hello. My name is Jake. I'm a long time user of this subreddit. I have used it since before even Steins;Gate came out in Japan which started off the Steins;Gate series. Needless to say, I've been a huge part of this community, so it greatly saddens me to see it fall as far as it has. The volume of porn and smut and salacious imagery and content that's been posted to this sub has begun to overflow, to the point where I can't even find my Legal Loli Maho memes any more. Or Christina memes. Or Tuturu memes. Or Mad Scientist memes. Or Leskinen memes.

I am literally starving here.

Unless there's some change very soon, I'll have to say goodbye to this subreddit for good and start spending my time in a place where me and discussion are actually valued, r/SteinsGateMemes.

But for now, I have to leave my subreddit now... I'm sorry everyone. This subreddit means a lot to me and I love it so very much. Please never lose sight of its userbase. Thank you for making my subreddit extra special. I never had the chance to say it before but, it is what made me who I am today. I love it. Goodbye, please take care of the subreddit and be kind to it.