Step kids need bare necessities!!

I am livid. My partner’s children are 11 and 8. I’ve noticed the 8 yr old’s shoes look too small for him. Today I asked him if they fit. He said “kind of.” I asked if his toes are touching. He said yes. I checked his toes and yes, they’re too small. I asked what else he needs. He said underwear, pants, shirts. So basically everything! 😐

I spoke to older sister. She said that she too needs underwear. WTF?! And their mother? Yeah, she’s in Hawaii right now with the BF. A few months back they visited Japan. The 11 year old is in select soccer and it’s very expensive. This woman prioritizes expensive soccer, vacations and the children need shoes and underwear!

My partner pays child support ($2400/mo) so he’s doing his part. We have them every other weekend. I told him to tell his attorney. We’re taking them to buy clothes, underwear and shoes tomorrow but this is her responsibility. They live primarily with her but we won’t stand by and do nothing when these kids don’t have the bare essentials.

I’m livid because these children are going without while she’s in Hawaii. I cannot comprehend children going without while you’re on vacation.

Has anyone dealt with something like this?