Unpopular opinion on here

BM is a TERRIBLE parent. Well actually, I’m sure it could be worse. But I hate coparenting with her and I hate her parenting style. She is beyond lazy, is neglectful, and can’t ever set her priorities straight.

But you know what I won’t do despite what the popular advice on here is.. I will not nacho. Why? Bc I have an impact on her life as an adult figure that is around 50% of the time. She sees me as another woman who cares about her and everyone wants more love/support.

No, I do not have to work with BM. No, I do not have to advocate for her in school, make sure she has clothes on her back, that she is respectful to others, etc. But who will?

Her dad is present and can do these things but nobody wants to be a single parent? And what happens if you have more kids? Are you going to treat them differently and show them more love? Do you have any idea how hurtful that is?

Anyway, just a rant/vent bc step parenting drives me up a wall sometimes and makes me question my life decisions. I hate dealing with BM and am incredibly over it. My SD is super difficult but I was also a difficult child, so maybe this is my cruel payback and way of life teaching me something.

I know this will trigger some people and I’m sure plenty of you will downvote this, but this is for those who also tell themselves this narrative. You are seen and you are killing it. For those who chose to nacho, no judgement passed! It’s just not for me and I’m sure it’s not for everyone on here despite being the popular advice.