Can't stand this teenager
I can't stand him at all! I've been in his life for 5 years now and it's just gotten worse and worse. I'm fucking done with him, I couldn't care what happens to him anymore. The disrespect he throws at his mother, destroying everything we've given him from beds to bikes to anything around him. And now we find out that his teachers at school have given up on him as well. He's in grade 12 (amazed he made it this far) has had to go to summer school every year as he just won't do the work. Im fuming that we are going to have him around for another year now. I don't want him around. I want his dad to take him now as we can't show him anything for life. I hate waking up every morning and having to clean the toilet because he won't flush and somehow gets poop on the whole thing. I can ask him to clean it or clean anything but he will do the worst job making it worse every time. I feel mom has checked out on him as he doesn't listen to anything and cries if he's given any criticism. GD I don't want him around!! We have a young daughter that sees this and thank God does not follow his stupid ways. Just need to get that off my chest as I stare at another poop mess in the bathroom that I will have to clean.