Am I wrong to feel EXTREMELY sad for Greg?

I just think about how insane it must have all been from his point of view. Imagine falling in love and, for a lack of a better word, being punished for it by losing the love of your life and being expected to allow your new son go on life threatening alien adventures. OBVIOUSLY ‘punished’ is an extreme word, but man, I need to see more examples of Greg and Roses relationship if I’m going to believe that Greg knew what he was getting into fully. Yes he agreed to having Steven and therefore losing Rose and other basic info about gems, but what other knowledge did Rose and the gems pass onto him? Did they just leave him in the dark?

I just wish we saw more when it came to the dynamic of the relationship and whether or not greg was fully aware of what could come along with a future with Rose and eventually Steven. I get an uneasy feeling that Rose and the other gems did a poor job explaining much about homeworld or gem history since ALMOST ALL OF IT was a shock to Greg that he had to comprehend on the spot.