I still don’t know how to feel about Jasper
For the longest time, I saw Malachite and her corruption as her getting what she deserved.
And even now, I still kind of do.
Is that bad? Am I in the wrong?
In her debut, Jasper was a cruel brute who wouldn’t stop trying to hurt Steven and the Gems. That was her whole motivation to want to fuse with Lapis in the first place. Had Lapis not taken control, she would have probably killed Steven and the Gems.
Later in “Chille Tid,” her cameo portrayed her as a savage beast that needed to be contained. All her appearances after Malachite made her out to be a threat or menace that still wanted to cause trouble.
I never saw her inferiority complex as worthy of sympathy due to the fact that every time she gained a power advantage, she used it to try and hurt Steven and the Gems.
Is it hypocritical for me to say that Jasper deserved punishment for her crimes and Lapis didn’t? Lapis actually showed remorse for her actions and didn’t try and hurt Steven or the Gems after Malachite.
So, how am I supposed to feel about Jasper? What does the show want me to think?