When you think about it, Steven has a ridiculously broken power set.
Superhuman strength, speed, and durability. Under certain circumstances his speed is enhanced even further.
Possession of others
Dream manipulation
Animating plant life
Healing/fixing anything - from gems, to human injuries, to broken objects, to removing chronic conditions like nearsightedness
Resurrection of the dead
Can summon a basically impenetrable shield that can be thrown as a weapon and change in size
Can create defensive bubbles around himself and others, which can be enhanced with spikes
Can create massive barriers that can be activated passively
Functionally immortal, as long as he still feels young/healthy
Can create shield walls that can be used offensively and defensively, which can be enhanced with spikes to...well, look what he did to Jasper.
Extremely gifted at fusion and has more fusions than probably any other character
Immune to gem destabilizing attacks
Can change his size and shape, modifying his physiology to make himself even stronger and faster, even the size of a monster.
Can generate an energy shockwave by shouting, which can destroy objects or disrupt things like Lapis' water clones or even disrupt fusions.
Did I miss any? Because this is a pretty big list. And keep in mind we never see Steven's full potential. We see a hint of it in 'fragments.' But considering he can turn into a literal Kaiju, if Steven ever trains to really harness his full capabilities he'd be pretty much unstoppable. Imagine a Steven who can transform into his monster form at will and maintain control of it?