Biggest change decca could do

Season passes. The seasonal events are alright but they should have a xp driven season pass running along side it. Perhaps for amazing gear and perhaps just give 80 percent crap like batteries or base consoles with purple stats. Sto is mega slow as it is there is a gaint bottle neck on your progress dil wise and there is little that can be done hour to hour. A season pass would turn the game from a 30min daily to a 8 hour event to push through the pass.

Another core thing they should do, update the beta quadrent in 2017 I thought a tos themed beta was cominf that I could spend all my time in. Wrong it was like 20 mins of tutorial then back to 2016 beta quadrent.

All other quadrents merely serve as story events now but maintaining the life of beta is where the games heart it there are areas like the mutaru nebula that have never come live though are listed on the map. Nothing has been done with the romulans remnants since day one.

8 grow tires of the endless disco and beyond content where the undiscovered box was the final instalment of tos and movies gear. A return to making content based around tmp and beyond should be priority vger was not enough.