What’s something “weird” you don’t miss about drinking?

We see a lot of the “what was the worst part about drinking” or “what’s the best part about sobriety” posts. But what’s something random/unconventional that you don’t miss from your drinking days, or that you do now that you’re not drinking?

I’m a little over two months AF, and realized I haven’t taken an ibuprofen in quite some time. When I was drinking I pretty much always kept 2-3 ibuprofen in my pocket in case I got hangover/withdrawal symptoms. Going out for the afternoon? Better bring some ibuprofen just in case. Going on vacation? Better bring plenty of ibuprofen. I don’t miss that.

PS I am not advocating for never taking/having painkillers. The extent to which they were almost always on my person was just kind of ridiculous.