Found out I’m pregnant

Found out I’m pregnant and I was binge drinking the weekend it happened. My husband and I always talked about trying to start a family, the weekend we conceived I was sneakily drinking and hiding it, but obviously not as well as I thought. Monday everything was revealed and my husband said he knew all the times I had been lying and drinking. I committed to no more drinking and we decided to put family planning on pause until I rebuilt the trust that was lost and could stay sober longer.

I’m happy and want to have this child but I can’t help but thing there will be issues since I was binge drinking the weekend we conceived. And all the lies and shame that surrounds that weekend. I always thought it would be different and there would be so much to celebrate but alcohol has ruined that and now I’m just anxious and worried.

Fuck alcohol

ETA: thank you so so so much to everyone who has shared their personal experiences. I’m speaking to my doctor on Monday but reading all your comments has definitely helped ease some of the anxiety I was feeling while waiting. Thank you all <3