“i don’t think i’ve ever seen you drink”

so last night my fiancé had some friends over and they were celebrating finishing off their first album so they were having some drinks. at one point one of them turned to me and said, “lowkeydeadinside, are you like, not even a little bit alcoholic? i don’t think i’ve ever seen you drink.”

i was so surprised i just blurted out, “what? of course i’m an alcoholic! that’s why i don’t drink!” got some laughs and then i threw in that i’m approaching a year sober and got some congrats and we moved on to another topic.

but it really made me think! this person has absolutely seen me drink before, but it’s been long enough that people don’t associate me with drinking at all anymore. i just am not that person anymore. it was a really weird compliment in a way. idk, just wanted to share, it made me feel awesome to know that people just think of me as someone who doesn’t drink now. it’s a good example to myself of just how far i’ve come in the last 11 months.